Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Burn the Belly Fat

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a great addition to your workout routine. Usually 20 mins of quick & short burst of energy.

**VERY important to remain well hydrated. If you plan to do a HIIT session, make sure you drink A LOT of water throughout the day, during and after the workout and the night prior. You will be sweating a lot, and your blood will rushing throughout your body, so you want your blood to be as fluid as possible (hence lots of water). I don't want you to have a get lightheaded and faint or worse have a stroke.


1 - Burn that stubborn fat, especially Belly fat
2 - Gain Speed
3 - Improve your heart-rate

This is a great '8' week training program from this site. '8' is in quotes, because based on how you feel, you might have to do week 2 or 3 several times before moving onto week 4, or you might kick ass and start at week 5. Definitely don't force yourself into a dangerous zone. Know your limits and go with how you feel but aim to be at a "push" point. Click on the links to find out more details. I just put the main points below.

Intensity is measured on a scale from 1 to 10.
1 - is pretty much standing still
5 - is a light jog
10- running as if a lion was chasing you for dinner.

Paraphrased from :

5 Min Warm up
6 Sprint Intervals - 30 Seconds each
6 Rest Intervals - 90 Seconds each
5 Min Warm Down
Do the routine 3 times in the week with a rest day in between each workout
Tips: As this is your first workout just test yourself out, instead of trying to hit 9's or 10's in intensity. There will be plenty of time for that.

5 Min Warm up
6 Sprint Intervals - 30 Seconds each
6 Rest Intervals - 60 Seconds each
5 Min Warm Down
Do the routine 3 times in the week with a rest day in between each workout
Tips: Try pushing yourself fairly hard on the first sprint interval. This will give you an idea of the intensity you need to keep for the sprint intervals.
Be wary of how you feel, you don't want to push yourself over your limits at this point.

Although the graph of the workout says 9 for your intervals, still take it easy and just judge what your body is able to cope with.

5 Min Warm up
6 Sprint Intervals - 30 Seconds each
6 Rest Intervals - 30 Seconds each
5 Min Warm Down
Do the routine 3 times in the week with a rest day in between each workout
Tips: Read the article about training intensity, from this week on you should be increasing your intensity during your intervals. Still pay attention to how your body is feeling.

5 Min Warm up
8 Sprint Intervals - 30 Seconds each
8 Rest Intervals - 30 Seconds each
5 Min Warm Down
Do the routine 3 times in the week with a rest day in between each workout
Tips: Read the article about training intensity, from this week on you should be increasing your intensity during your intervals. Still pay attention to how your body is feeling.

5 Min Warm up
10 Sprint Intervals - 30 Seconds each
10 Rest Intervals - 30 Seconds each
5 Min Warm Down
Do the routine 3 times in the week with a rest day in between each workout

5 Min Warm up
12 Sprint Intervals - 30 Seconds each
12 Rest Intervals - 30 Seconds each
5 Min Warm Down
Do the routine 3 times in the week with a rest day in between each workout

5 Min Warm up
14 Sprint Intervals - 30 Seconds each
14 Rest Intervals - 30 Seconds each
5 Min Warm Down
Do the routine 3 times in the week with a rest day in between each workout

5 Min Warm up
15 Sprint Intervals - 30 Seconds each
15 Rest Intervals - 30 Seconds each
5 Min Warm Down
Do the routine 3 times in the week with a rest day in between each workout
Tips: Try pushing yourself fairly hard on the first sprint interval. This will give you an idea of the intensity you need to keep for the sprint intervals.
Be wary of how you feel, you don't want to push yourself over your limits at this point.

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