But be careful because it can heat up really quickly and you don't want to put yourself in a dangerous situation.
- Run in the early morning or late evenings.
- Calculate your end time- Often time we focus on when we "start" our run, but forget to calculate the end of our run, and the last half of your run might be in the blazing heat.
- ex: 12 mile run (at an avg pace 10min) = 120 mins = 2 hours, warm up + cool down = 30 mins, so you'll be out for at least 2 hours and 30 mins. so if you started at 9am, you'll finish at 11:30, it gets pretty toasty, so just make sure you prepare yourself for the finish.
- WATER - Stay hydrated. A 20-24oz bottle will last about 1-2 hours of activity, depending on the heat and intensity. Plan ahead to find places along your route to refill your bottle if you'll be out there longer. Gas stations, 7-11, Starbucks, and Fast food places, are always kind to runner's who need some free H2O. Don't be afraid to ask.
- If you feel yourself overheating, (colors are starting to fade, heart rate is pumping hard, light-headed), Pour water, or Hold something Cold over the major arteries, (Neck, Temples, Head and Wrists). It's a faster way to cool your body down. I usually squirt some water on wrists and neck.
SPF - Don't forget the SPF. My favorite is the Neutrogena Ultimate Sport SPF Spray.
It doesn't smell like sunscreen which I like, and its so easy and quick to apply. Spray and go.
- Ice it - Freeze 1/3 of your water bottle so by the time you need it, the last bit will melt and be cool, Ice works as well. The Nathan
water belt I use has an insulated sleeve that keeps your drinks cool. Others also roll Ice into their hats or bandannas around their head and neck.
- Don't Push yourself too hard in the Heat as you would on a Cooler day.
- A Rough estimate - Every increase in temperature 5-10 degrees over 60 degrees will make your pace slower by 1-2 minutes even with the same effort.
Be Safe out there.
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